Last night, fireworks crackled, sizzled, and banged through my open window. I lay awake listening, but I didn’t get up to watch them. I’m pretty ambivalent about fireworks and Canada Day, but this July 1st tradition feels like a harbinger of summer. It's officially here!

It got me thinking about the next couple of months—I have a lot on the go but I'm also hoping to slow down and enjoy some R&R. What do I have on the go? you ask. Good questions!

· I’m taking the summer off from dART speak! The beloved writers’ open mic is by no means a chore, but it does take time and energy, and I’d like to come back to it refreshed after a summer break. I hope all the participants have fun in my friend Suann’s capable hands!
· I’ll be presenting at the Off Topic Writers’ Conference in Orillia, Ontario (and online!) in early August with some real superstars. Then, I’ll be staying on for a week-long writing retreat with some internet friends who I’ve never met IRL (Exciting! Terrifying!).
· I’ve joined the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia Board as member-at-large and Programs Committee Chair.
· I am halfway through the developmental edits of my unmotherhood memoir! I had hoped to be done by the end of June, but quality trumps speed, every time and I'm happy with how it's going.
· Once I finish this round of edits, my plan for the summer is to start querying very seriously (inspired by @michellewritesabook!), while also working on a collection of Newfoundland creative nonfiction and poetry (tentatively titled the Salt Meat Diaries, but people seem to hate that title—so ideas are welcome).
· I’m waiting to find out if I make it to the final round of the New York City Midnight Short Story Competition in late July! This is the second time I've made it to the third round, and my fingers and toes are crossed I make it to the finals for the first time! There are some serious prizes and cred at stake!
· I’m also just hoping to enjoy a slower pace, take some vacation time, and play around with writing. hahaha good one, Lindsey!
How about you? How are you spending your summer?
Hey Lindsey! I just made a summer bucket list of 4 beaches... that's a lot for me. And then upped stakes by saying each on has to be at a different shore (north, south, valley, fundy etc).
I wonder if you could get a working title for Salt Meat Diaries from Ron Hynes (too cliche?) You can't eat the air and you can't drink the sea; no change in the weather, no change in me.